Wow ptr down june 2016
Wow ptr down june 2016

  1. #Wow ptr down june 2016 update
  2. #Wow ptr down june 2016 plus

  • I’m stopping now because I’m getting upset and will go on forever.
  • It’s a big improvement, but I still wish Revive Pet worked instead.

    #Wow ptr down june 2016 update

    Update 6/30: Hati’s death cooldown was reduced to 30 seconds in the most recent build. It sucks when Hati gets randomly instagibbed and then you lose a good 10-20% of your DPS output for 2 minutes. Most of the traits tie into Hati in some way, so why does Hati’s death have a 2 minute cooldown? Do any other classes suffer the complete de-powering of their artifact for 2 minutes at a time? Why can’t we use Revive Pet on Hati? Is it a PVP issue? Fine, then don’t allow it to work in instanced PVP. Two dozen pet families have no special abilities at all, while other pets have powerful ones like battle rez, blood lust, shell shield, etc. Pet abilities are inconsistent since the removal of buffs.Hopefully this is all just a bug that has yet to be fixed. Nothing like trying to use Kill Command and getting a pathing error. There are pathing issues galore in the new dungeons, and even in random places in the world. When pets are on Assist stance they don’t even respond to the Hunter getting attacked unless directly told to do so. petattack must be macroed into all abilities now. This gives MM two pet tanks who taunt back and forth to split incoming damage. This is due to the combination of a Tenacity pet tank (MM has nearly no DPS loss from speccing Tenacity), and the Black Arrow dark minion. Marksmanship - a spec that wasn’t even supposed to have a pet in the first place - is better in some aspects of pet tanking than Beast Mastery.I thought this was the whole point of separating the PVP system. Is it a PVP issue? Then fine, make Mend Pet stronger in PVE only.

    #Wow ptr down june 2016 plus

    Plus we’ve lost Adaptation, which means we need to give up DPS to get some of that survivability back. Pet healing in Legion is less than half as effective overall. Especially as Beast Mastery, I felt like we were always supposed to have the most capable pets. My favorite thing about the Hunter class (other than the pets) is being strong on my own. I can live with some, but it’s just too much.

  • Rotation still has too much down time.
  • But I will summarize my main concerns with Beast Mastery (since it’s probably the spec I will play):

    wow ptr down june 2016

    I’m not going to write a wall of text on my personal issues with the class in Legion, as I’ve already done that several times on their feedback forums, in-game suggestions, and other posts. I understand not bowing to the mob and designing by popular opinion, but a simple explanation for why they were sticking to their guns would have helped. Otherwise it just feels like feedback is being ignored. Leading up to Legion, I’ve watched the specs stay mostly the same despite overwhelming negative feedback.

    wow ptr down june 2016

    I couldn’t even keep up with all the blue posts and tweets back then. It was basically the complete opposite of what happened in the pre-Warlords testing. On this front I felt there was little iteration or developer communication at all. This brings us to how the class actually plays. They did an amazing job with new tames this expansion. On the topic of tameable pets, I think they took much of their inspiration from player feedback and suggestions. They also listened to MM Hunters who missed having the option of a pet. Shortly after the BM spec was unlocked, Blizzard responded to player feedback and made compromises by adding in the Glyph of the Dire Stable, Dire Frenzy, and Essence Swapper. The most notable example is Beast Mastery being a literal zoo of impersonal pets you didn’t tame yourself. One would expect a good deal of iteration over such a long period of time, but for Hunters that really hasn’t been the case.īlizzard was receptive to feedback about cosmetic “class fantasy” issues. I’ve been in for nearly 7 months, and I wasn’t even in the first wave. The Legion alpha and beta process has been a long one.

    Wow ptr down june 2016